How Long Will My Personal Injury Case Take? - Boland Romaine LLP
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How Long Will My Personal Injury Case Take?

The duration of a personal injury case can vary greatly depending on the circumstances, including the complexity of the injury, the parties involved, and whether the case goes to trial. In general, personal injury cases fall into two categories: those that settle quickly and those that require lengthy litigation. Understanding how long your case might take is important so you can manage your expectations and plan accordingly.


In the early stages of your case, your personal injury lawyer will begin investigating the incident, collecting evidence, and speaking with witnesses. If the liability of the other party is clear, your lawyer may attempt to settle the case quickly through negotiations with the insurance company. A quick settlement can occur in cases where the damages are relatively straightforward, such as in minor car accidents where fault is not disputed. In such cases, a settlement could happen within a few months of filing the claim.


However, if the case involves serious injuries, disputed liability, or a significant amount of damages, it may take much longer to reach a resolution. Complex cases may require additional investigation, expert witnesses, all of which can lengthen the process. If the insurance company refuses to offer a fair settlement or if liability is contested, your lawyer may decide to take the case to court. Litigation can significantly extend the timeline, often taking a year or more to go to trial, depending on the court’s schedule and the specific legal procedures involved.


In addition to the legal proceedings, the recovery process for your injuries can also influence how long your case takes. If your injuries are severe or require long-term medical treatment, your lawyer may wait until your treatment is complete or your condition stabilizes before pursuing a settlement. This ensures that all your damages, including future medical expenses, are fully accounted for.


Ultimately, the timeline for your personal injury case will depend on a variety of factors, and it’s difficult to predict with certainty. However, your lawyer will provide you with an estimate and keep you informed throughout the process. Whether your case takes a few months or several years, your lawyer’s job is to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

Personal Injury Lawyer Brampton 

For more than four decades, our trusted Brampton personal Injury lawyers have won millions of dollars in compensation for clients to recover the cost of medical bills and lost wages as well as damages for both pain and suffering. The firm was founded on a set of core values that we still strive to live by every day; namely, integrity, excellence and trial work. These values remain as important to us now as when we began.


**Please note that the contents of this blog should not be relied upon as legal advice or medical advice, but only for information and reference purposes. You should always follow the advice of your doctors and treatment providers with respect to your diagnoses and what health and medical steps you should take to best recover. If you wish to obtain legal advice, please contact our office and arrange for a free consultation with one of our lawyers.**

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