Spring Safety: How to Stay Safe While the Snow Melts
- 10.03.2016
- Safety

It is that time of year where all Canadians rejoice: the spring thaw. With anticipation we can say, goodbye dirty snow and hello beautiful spring weather. Yes, sunshine and warmth are within our reach, and we’re ready to spend more time outdoors. But before all that goodness can happen, the snow needs to melt, which means slippery and unstable stream banks and extremely cold water temperatures.
In York Region, including Aurora, Richmond Hill, Oak Ridges, and Newmarket, there are many creeks and waterways that will begin to swell as the snow melts, creating cold, slippery hazardous conditions. As the temperature makes its way above zero, water levels will rise and the ice that’s covering local rivers, streams, and ponds will break-up.
While it is tempting to get out there and start exploring, it is also important to be mindful mindful of the dangers that exist for you, your children, and even your pets.
What can you do to stay safe during potentially hazardous spring melt conditions?
- Keep your eye on children and pets and stay away from the edge of all waterways including ponds, lakes, rivers, and streams.
- If you can, clear a path for the melting snow to easily drain. Be particularly mindful of shoveling excess snow away from storm drains on or near your property. This activity will prevent pooling waters.
- Check your downspouts, catch basins, and eavestroughs and make sure they’re clear and able to drain away from your home to prevent flooding and damage to your foundation.
Let us make this an enjoyable spring for everyone by keeping safe!
For more information, call your local conservation authority:
Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority, 905-895-1281
Toronto & Region Conservation Authority, 416-661-6514
Conservation Halton, 905-336-1158
Credit Valley Conservation, 905- 670-1615
Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority, 905-579-0411
Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority, 905-885-8173
Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, 705-424-1479
Kawartha Conservation, 705-328-2271