Injury Lawyers Since 1984

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White Papers

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Our Trial Record

Sets Us Apart. Period.

  • Nairn V. Merlino
    jury verdict
  • Wigmore V. Myler
    jury verdict
  • Cockburn V. Holmes
    jury verdict
  • Pelletier V. Ontario Provincial Police
    judge alone
  • Barbeau V. Ruchetta
    jury verdict
  • R V. Wallace
    judge alone
  • Macdonald V. Talaba
    jury verdict
  • Copeland V. Knox
    jury verdict
See More Verdicts


  • The 2013 Minimum Maintenance Standards
    by Tim Boland and Darcy Romaine (April 2014)
    Snow is measured in centimeters. So too is the progress to correct the Minimum Maintenance Standards for Municipal Highways. Unfortunately, determining the standard of the care remains a game of point and counter-point between the judiciary, who hear the specific and insist on reasonableness…
  • Facebook Friend or Un-Friend
    by Darcy Romaine (June 2013)
    The first Ontario case to consider Facebook goes back to June 2007. Since then, 1025 decisions are now available on the Quicklaw database which reference the term Facebook. The Supreme Court of Canada, various courts of appeal, and a multitude of judges of the Superior Court have considered its influence…
  • Fatality Claims
    by Darcy Romaine (December 2012)
    No amount of money can ever compensate a family who has lost a loved one to negligence. However that does not mean that the defendant should pay less than full amount permitted by law….
  • Evidentiary Challenges With The Even More Minimum Maintenance Standards
    by Timothy Boland, Darcy Romaine (October 2013)
    No amount of money can ever compensate a family who has lost a loved one to negligence. However that does not mean that the defendant should pay less than full amount permitted by law….

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